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Reconstruct brings
the project site to decision-makers.

Reconstruct is the leader in remote quality control, progress monitoring, and facilities assessment. Our cutting-edge reality mapping technology empowers you to manage projects remotely, mitigate risk, save time and money, and make better decisions—all while slashing travel to the job site.

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Reconstruct is the only solution that allows you to truly visualize your project by combining reality capture, design, and construction schedule. And best of all, virtually anyone on the job site can conduct reality capture using equipment as simple as a smartphone or 360 camera.

Understand how Reconstruct can help you save time, money, and rework by watching how our technology seamlessly integrates with your operations. 


Reap the benefits of reality capture at any budget.

Only Reconstruct’s cutting-edge technology generates precise, measurable 2D floor plans and 3D models using site footage captured on virtually any device—including smartphones, 360 cameras, and drones. Virtually anyone on site can perform a reality capture walk.

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overlay design against reality on 2d floorplan

Overlay design against reality.

Comparing plans to your job site side by side isn't enough. Reconstruct’s patented overlay technology gives you unmatched clarity into what’s been installed versus what was initially planned. Use your findings to course-correct mistakes before your project becomes delayed or derailed by costly rework..

Bim pt overlay

Remotely measure and monitor every inch.

Only Reconstruct’s reality mapping engine combines all forms of photo and video and automatically positions that footage in space and over time. The end result? A frictionless, immersive digital twin of your job site as it stands today and as it appeared in the past.

identify project issues

Act on issues as soon as you spot them.

Immediately identify issues without traveling to the job site, then drop a pin directly where problems are visualized to jump-start resolution long before the costs and consequences of these little mistakes add up.

oracle 4d BIM visualization

Bring your construction schedule to life.

Integrate your project timeline, then upload plans to unlock cutting-edge 4D BIM visualization that sequences your project's next steps for all teams to see. Improve coordination, enhance safety, and save time and money by getting even the most complex installations right the first time.

oracle 4d BIM visualization
full bim 3d point cloud

Rewind construction with the click of a button.

See through sealed walls by turning back the clock in the Visual Command Center. Whether preparing for renovations, answering tenant questions, or responding to liability claims, you'll know exactly how your project was built—no demolition required.

We bring remote and on-site stakeholders
together with one single source of truth.

Real projects, real ROI

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What can you gain with Reconstruct?

Meet the companies that trust Reconstruct.


Burcin Kaplanoglu

Executive Director, Innovation Officer at Oracle Construction and Engineering

"The integration with Reconstruct has complemented Oracle’s platform by providing innovative and advanced progress reporting and risk management for construction projects. Since joining Oracle’s global startup program, Reconstruct has delivered significant value to our joint customers and we look forward to a long-term partnership."

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